Court Inspectorate



The Court Inspectorate Unit [CIU] whose primary duty is to provide services relating to judicial supervision, monitoring, inspection and audit, is based within the Office of the Court Administrator and subsequently to establish sub-units within the three (3) Judicial Regions of Liberia. The CIU is headed by a Head Court Inspector [HCI] who is responsible to supervise the unit and its staffers, and to ensure the efficient administrative and operational functioning of the unit, ensuring the courts receive the necessary support to enhance the delivery of justice.

There are two categories of Court Inspectors as follows:

Category A:       Court Inspectors who are Lawyers

Category B:       Court Inspectors who are non-Lawyers

The Court Inspectorate Unit comprises six (6) Court Inspectors. Based upon the aforementioned categorization, each regional team shall comprise one law trained court Inspector and a non-law trained inspector and consistent with their responsibility, the Court Inspectors shall undertake periodic inspection of the courts and other judicial facilities around the country and make a monthly report to the Office of the Court Administrator. The three (3) Judicial regions under the CIU supervision, are:

A.    Western Region:

(a)    Montserrado County

 (b)   Bomi County

(c)    Margibi County

(d)    Gbarpolu County

(e)    Grand Cape Mount County

B. Central Region:

  • Bong County
  • Lofa County
  • Nimba County
  • Rivercess  County
  • Grand Bassa  County

C.    South Eastern Region

(a)    Grand Gedeh County

(b)    Sinoe County

(c)    River-Gee County

(d)    Grand Kru County

(e)    Maryland County