Author: Flomo Wolobah

Madam Siah Tandapolie and Doris Dalieh of the City of Monrovia vs. National Elections Commission (02/07/2024) 0

Madam Siah Tandapolie and Doris Dalieh of the City of Monrovia vs. National Elections Commission (02/07/2024)

These appeals emanate from the final rulings of the Board of Commissioners (BOC) of the National Elections Commission (NEC) in two cases, wherein (a) the Board affirmed in the one case, Madam Siah Tandapolie and Doris Dalieh v. National Elections Commission, the Ruling of the Hearing Officers, and (b) the Board affirmed in the other case, National Elections Commission v. Amos Siebo Jr., the Ruling of the Hearing Officers, thus dismissing the complaints in both cases.
The records certified to this Court show that in the first of these consolidated cases, i.e. Madam Siah Tandapolie and Doris Dalieh v. National Elections Commission, the Appellants, Madams Siah Tandapolie and Doris Dalieh, Independent Aspirants at the time for the seat in the House of Representatives for District 11, Montserrado County, filed, on July 6, 2023, a complaint before the National Elections Commission challenging the legality and constitutionality of the NEC 2023 Regulations and Procedures Relating to Political Parties, Coalitions, Alliances, and

Seluminee Bloyougar et. al. vs. The Intestate Estate of Kollie (02/07/2024) 0

Seluminee Bloyougar et. al. vs. The Intestate Estate of Kollie (02/07/2024)

The instant appeal grows out of an action of ejectment filed before the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County, by the appellee, the Intestate Estate of Edwin Kollie by and thru its administrator, David K. Kollie, against Madam Seluminee Bloyougar et al., the appellants herein, in which the said appellee alleged that it is the owner of one (1) lot of land lying and situated in the Samuel Kanyon Doe Boulevard Community, Paynesville, Montserrado County; that the defendant without any color of title or right illegally and intentionally encroached on a portion of its premises against the will and consent of the administrator of the estate; that all efforts exerted by the appellee to have the appellants vacate the subject premises proved futile. Hence, the appellee prayed the trial court to have the appellants evicted from its property and to award damages in the amount of Fifty Thousand United States Dollars (US$50,000.00) for the appellants’ illegal occupation and wrongful

Morris Kiazolu et al. v. Republic of Liberia (02/07/2024) 0

Morris Kiazolu et al. v. Republic of Liberia (02/07/2024)

The records certified to this Court show that this appeal emanates from the First Judicial Circuit, Criminal Assizes “A” when the Grand Jury for Montserrado County presented an indictment charging the appellants, defendants in the court below, with the commission of the crimes of criminal conveyance of land and criminal conspiracy.
In commencing our review of the merits of this appeal, we take judicial notice of historical facts, recalling the alarming rate of disputes involving real property that not only flooded the dockets of courts of this Republic, but also incited the increase in other violent crimes in society as a result of land dispute. The Legislature taking cognizance that land-based disputes throughout Liberia, particularly in urban areas, had escalated to a crisis point thereby making it difficult for institutions and courts established to deal with civil issues to adequately resolve these disputes as civil matters; and further noting that the illegal conveyance of real property had the propensity to undermine the peace,

Joseph Yuones and WACCO vs. His Honor James E. Jones, Judge Debt and Houssini (02/07/2024) 0

Joseph Yuones and WACCO vs. His Honor James E. Jones, Judge Debt and Houssini (02/07/2024)

This Court has been called upon to review and reverse the ruling of former Associate Justice, Philip A.Z. Banks III, then presiding in Chambers in an action of debt by attachment filed by Mohammed Housseini against WACCO by and thru its President Joseph H. Yuones and Joseph H. Younes and all authorized officers of the said corporation. The action was filed on July 13, 2015 before the Debt Court of Montserrado County. The Sheriff’s returns of July 28, 2015, on the writ of summons says that Joseph A. Yuones was not seen to be served and that the sheriff was told that he had travelled out of the country. The same returns was made August 11, 2015 to the effect that Mr. Joseph H. Younes was not seen to be served because he had travelled out of the country. The plaintiff made an application for resummons on July 30, 2015 and on July 31, 2015, the returns of the resummons also show that Mr. Joseph H. Yuones was not seen to be served.

Intestate Estate of Barzoe Tiapon vs. Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr (02/07/2024) 0

Intestate Estate of Barzoe Tiapon vs. Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr (02/07/2024)

This appeal emanates from the ruling of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County, on a motion to modify an arbitration award, filed by the present appellee, the Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr and William C. Clarke by and thru its administratrix and administrators Tonia Carter Deableh, Arthur Utee Berrian and Varney D. Kerkula, against the present appellants, the Intestate Estate of Barzoe Tiapon, by and thru its administrators Nathan S. Karpo, Isaac K. Potter, and Joe Dixon, and the King Karnley Estate, in which final ruling, the trial Judge His Honor Scheaplor R. Dunbar ruled modifying the arbitration award as submitted by the board of arbitration and awarding all of the Six Hundred Twenty-Five (625) acres of land in contention to the appellee on the doctrine of superior title.
The facts as culled from the certified records show that on April 14, 2010, the Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr and William Clarke, appellee, by and thru its administratrix and

Arah Kamara of the City of Monrovia vs. Republic of Liberia, by and thru Golda Baker and Hester Baker (02/07/2024) 0

Arah Kamara of the City of Monrovia vs. Republic of Liberia, by and thru Golda Baker and Hester Baker (02/07/2024)

This appeal emanates from the March 28, 2014, ruling of the Resident Judge of the First Judicial Circuit Court, Criminal Assizes “C”, His Honor A. Blamo Dixon, on a criminal indictment for theft of property against the appellant, Arah Kamara.

The records show that during the May Term of the First Judicial Circuit Court, 2010, the Grand Jury of Montserrado County indicted the appellant, defendant in the court below, for the crime of theft of property on complaint brought by and thru Mr. M. W. Goda Baker and Madam Hesta Baker, private prosecutor and prosecutrix, respectively, representing the Intestate Estate of Elizabeth Moore-Johnson.

The indictment alleged principally that in 1977 and thereafter, the private prosecutor and prosecutrix acquired five hundred (500) acres of land out of a total of eight hundred (800) acres of land from their grandmother, Elizabeth Moore Johnson, in lower Virginia, Montserrado County, Liberia; that their grandmother hired the services of Arah Kamara, the

Strategic Plan of the Liberian Judiciary – 2024-2028 0

Strategic Plan of the Liberian Judiciary – 2024-2028

Our national efforts as Liberians continue to be dedicated to reconstructing our constitutional order, public institutions, and the operation of statutory laws, all of which had been destroyed by bitter years of violent conflict. The Liberian judiciary is equally dedicated to playing its part as witnessed in 2018 when the Supreme Court of Liberia was moved to guarantee that democratic elections for presidential office occurred peacefully and in compliance with the rule of law. Looking ahead, the Liberian Judiciary now recognizes that demand from Liberians for more efficient, effective, and improved judicial services can only be expected to increase and very likely at a rapid pace.

Judges Brainstorm on Judiciary & Democracy; Safeguard Democratic Values in the Legal System, Especial During and After Elections.” 0

Judges Brainstorm on Judiciary & Democracy; Safeguard Democratic Values in the Legal System, Especial During and After Elections.”

About one hundred and fifty (150) delegates from across Liberia consisting of Judges and Magistrates of the National Association of Trial Judges (NATJL) have converged in Monrovia at the grounds of the Temple of Justice, for a three-day National Trial Judges Conference from February 1-3, 2024, to brainstorm on issue of the Judiciary & Democracy; Safeguarding Democratic Values in the Legal System, Especially During and After Elections.
Judge Ousman F. Feika Resident Circuit Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit, Grand Cape Mount County, currently presiding over the Sixth Judicial Circuit Civil Law

NATJL to Host Ten (10th) National Trial Judges Conference 0

NATJL to Host Ten (10th) National Trial Judges Conference

The National Association of Trial Judges of Liberia (NATJL) will convene its tenth (10th) National Trial Judges Conference from February 1-3, 2024 at the grounds of the Temple of Justice in Monrovia.
The conference will be held under the theme: “The Judiciary & Democracy; Safeguarding Democratic Values in the Legal System, Especial During and After Elections.”

Judge Ousman F. Feika of the Resident Circuit Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit, Grand Cape Mount County, currently presiding over the Sixth Judicial Circuit Civil Law Court of Montserrado County as the Assigned Judge, and chairman of the conference planning committee, said the conference is a little different from previous years because this year’s conference will be conducted with a seminar.
Judge Feika said, three prominent justice actors will speak at the seminary. Former Chief Justice His Honor Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. is expected to speak on the first day of the conference on the topic: “Ethical Dilemmas