Author: Flomo Wolobah

Alvin Teage Jalloh vs. Olubanke King-Akerele, et al (12/23/2019) 0

Alvin Teage Jalloh vs. Olubanke King-Akerele, et al (12/23/2019)

We are called upon to determine two pivotal issues in this case, they are:

1. Whether or not the petitioner in this case has the legal standing to challenge the constitutionality of Sections 22.1 and 22.2 of the Aliens and Nationality Law of Liberia.

2. Whether or not Section 22.2 of the Aliens and Nationality Law violate any provision of the1986 Constitution and, as such, was repealed by Article 95(a) of the 1986 Constitution.

Clarance K. Massaquoi of UP VS Korva M. Jorbor of UPP and James Cooper 0

Clarance K. Massaquoi of UP VS Korva M. Jorbor of UPP and James Cooper

When this case was called for hearing, Counsellor James N. Kumeh of Torch Professional Consultancy Inc., appeared for the respondents/appellants. Counsellor Albert S. Sims, appeared for the movant/co-appellee, Clarence Massaquoi. Counsellors C. Alexander B. Zoe and F. Musah Dean Jr., appeared for the Co-appellee National Elections Commission (NEC).

After having carefully examined the facts contained in the records, listened to the arguments on both sides, and considered the laws relevant thereto, it is hereby

Hon. Evans V. Koah VS The National Election Commission 0

Hon. Evans V. Koah VS The National Election Commission

In-House counsel of the National Erections commission (NEC), and counsellors F. Musah Dean and C. Alexander B. Zoe appeared for the 1st appellee. counsellor S. L. Lofen Keneah appeared for the 2nd appellee.

Having reviewed the facts and circumstances of this case, listened to the arguments advanced by both parties, and taken note of the law applicable thereto, it is hereby

Boima J. Monabah UP Agent of Graant Cape Mount County VS NEC Polling Staff of Electoral District #1 Grand Cape Mount County 0

Boima J. Monabah UP Agent of Graant Cape Mount County VS NEC Polling Staff of Electoral District #1 Grand Cape Mount County

When this case was called for hearing, Counsellors Peter Y. Kerkula of Jones & Jones Law Firm and Laveli J. Supuwood of Foundation Law Firm appeared for the appellant. Counsellors Joseph N. Blidi, ln-House Counsel, National Elections Commission, (NEC), F. Musah Dean, Jr. and C. Alexander B. Zoe appeared for the 1’t appellee. Counsellor Alhaji Swaliho A. Sesay of Sesay, Johnson and Associates Law Chambers appeared for 2nd appellee.

Patrick Bowah VS The National Elections Commission 0

Patrick Bowah VS The National Elections Commission

When this case was called for hearing, Counsellor Amos Y. Bartu of Legal Consultants, lnc., appeared for the appellant. Counsellor Joseph Blidi, In-House Counsel of the National Elections Commission (NEC), and Counsellors F. Musah Dean, Jr., and C. Alexander B. Zoe, appeared for the 1st appellee. Counsellor J. Laveli Supuwood appeared for the 2nd appellee. After having carefully examined the facts as contained in the records, listened to the arguments on both sides, and considered the evidence and the laws relevant thereto. it is hereby

NEC and the Board of Commissioners of the Republic of Liberia VS Charles Walker Brumskine 0

NEC and the Board of Commissioners of the Republic of Liberia VS Charles Walker Brumskine

That the representative candidates of the ‘1st appellants, although having excepted to the final ruling of the Board of Commissioners of the National Elections Commission (NEC) and announced an appeal therefrom to the Supreme Court, they having taken no further steps to perfect the appeal in keeping the law on said matter, the motion to dismiss the appeal filed by the NEC as to those representative candidates is deemed abandoned; the motion to dismiss the appeal is therefore denied and dismissed;

That the Chairman of the NEC, having been shown to have made statements and utterances on the elections, while the complaints filed by the appellants before the NEC were still being investigated and awaiting disposition. and which could be viewed as bias and prejudicial, he should have recused himself

Charles Walker Brumskine, Harrison S. Karnwea VS NEC and Board of Commissioners of the Rpublic of Liberia 0

Charles Walker Brumskine, Harrison S. Karnwea VS NEC and Board of Commissioners of the Rpublic of Liberia

when this case was called for hearing Counsellor Charles Walker Brumskine, James G. lnnis’ Jr” Powo C. Hilton and D. Onesimus Banwon of the Brumskine and Associates Law offices’ appeared for the petitioners. Counsellors Joseph N, Blidi, Frank Musah Dean, Jr. and C. Alexander B. Zoe appeared for the respondents.

Having carefully examined the petition, the returns thereto and the arguments presented before this court by Counsels represented by the parties, it is hereby

Joseph Nyumah Boakai and Emmanuel Nuquay VS The National Elections Commission 0

Joseph Nyumah Boakai and Emmanuel Nuquay VS The National Elections Commission

When this case was called for hearing, Counsellors F. Benedict Sannoh and J. Laveli Supuwood appeared for the informants. Counsellors Frank Musah Dean, Jr., and Alexander 8. Zoe appeared for the 1st respondent National Elections commission. Counsellors N. Oswald Tweh and appeared for the 2nd Respondents. Powo C. Hilton appeared for the 2nd Respondents.

Having reviewed the contentions raised by the parties, perused their briefs and listened to their arguments, and considered the relevant laws appertaining thereto, it is hereby

Liberia National Union (LINU), True Whig Party (TWP) 0

Liberia National Union (LINU), True Whig Party (TWP)

When this case was called for hearing, Counsellors Famere G. Stubblefield, of the Stubblefield, Nigba and Associates, Sayma Serenius Cephus of the Justice & peace Interest Consortium Africa (JUPICA), Milton D. Taylor, of the Taylor and Associates Law Offices, and Emmanuel Tulay of the Tulay & Associates Law Firm, appeared for the movantsf2nd appellee political parties. Counsellor Lavela KoboiJohnson, Sr., of the Century Law Office, in association with Counsellor Amara M. Sheriff of J. Johnny Momoh & Associates Legal Chambers, lnc., appeared for the respondent/appellant. Counsellors Joseph N. Blidi, ln-House Counsel of the National Elections Commission, F. Musah Dean, Jr., and C. Alexander B. Zoe, appeared for the 1st appellee, National Elections Commission.