Author: Flomo Wolobah

The National Elections Commission VS Amos Sieh Siebo, Jr. 0

The National Elections Commission VS Amos Sieh Siebo, Jr.

When the case was called for hearing, Counsellor Joseph N. Blidi, ln-House Counsel for the National Elections Commission, and Counsellors Frank Musa Dean and C. Alexander Zoe appeared for the movant/appellee. Counsellor Finley Y. Karngar appeared for the respondent/appellant.

Having listened to the arguments and contentions advanced by the parties, reviewed the facts and circumstances presented in the certified records, and examined the laws controlling in the case; and being satisfied that the respondent/appellant did not file his bill of exceptions within the time prescribed by the New Elections Law and the Regulations of the National Elections Commission, thereby depriving this Court of the required jurisdiction to hear the appeal on the merits, it is

Hon. Sando D. Johnson VS The Unity Party 0

Hon. Sando D. Johnson VS The Unity Party

When this case was called for hearing, Counsellors David B. Gibson, Jr., of the Renaissance Law Group and S. Gayah Karmo, Pro se appeared for the appellants.
Counsellors A. Ndubuisi Nwabudike and Benedict F. Sannoh of the Sannoh & Partners, PC, appeared for the appellees.

Having carefully reviewed the certified records, heard the arguments and contentions advanced by the counsels representing the parties and considered the laws cited and relied upon, it is hereby

Harrison S. Karnwea and Liberty Party VS The National Elections Commission 0

Harrison S. Karnwea and Liberty Party VS The National Elections Commission

And being also conscious that Appellee National Elections Commission had failed to conduct a hearing and thereby afford the appellants the guaranteed due process of law opportunity mandated by the Constitution, statutory and case laws of the Republic, to determine the penalty to be imposed upon Co-appellant Harrison S. Kainwea, Sr. for his violation of the Code;

And acknowledging further that the records in this case, as certified to the Supreme Court, lack any evidence that the final decision of Appellee National Elections Commission in rejecting the application of Co-appellant Harrison S. Karnwea, Sr. and barring him from contesting the vice presidential position on Co-appellant Libefi Party ticket in the ensuing October 2017 Elections, was done by the Board of Commission, but rather that same appears on the records to have been done on the lone and sole signature of the Chairman of the Appellee, it is hereby

Reginald Goodridge VS The Testate Estate of Dr. John N. Togba 0

Reginald Goodridge VS The Testate Estate of Dr. John N. Togba

At the call of this case, Counsellor Sayma Syrenius Cephus of CEMAR Law Offices appeared for the appellant. Counsellor G. Wiefueh Alfred Sayen of Sayeh and Sayeh, lnc., appeared for the appellee.

During argument before this Court, Cllr. Sayma Syrenius Cephus, by leave of Court, brought to our attention that a motion for enlargement of time was filed by the appellant before the lower court which motion is still pending undetermined and that the trial court committed a reversible error when it proceeded to strike co-defendant Reginald Goodridge’s answer for late filing without hearing the motion for enlargement of time.

Western Steel and Allied Industries Liberia VS Nimba County 0

Western Steel and Allied Industries Liberia VS Nimba County

When this case was called for hearing, Counselor Albert S. Sims and Golda A. Bonah-Elliot Sherman and Sherman Inc. appear for the appellant. Counselor Hector W. Quoigcah, County Attorney for Nimba County, Ministry of Justice, appeared for Nimba County Counselor Beyen D. Howard appeared for the Public Procurement and concession Commission (PPCC). Counselor Famere G> Stubblefield of Stubblefield, Nigba and Associates, appeared for North Star Industries, Inc.

Having carefully reviewed and considered the facts and circumstances of the case, listened to the arguments advanced by counsels for the parties, examined the laws cited and relied on, it is hereby

National Chronicles Newspaper and Philipbert S. Browne VS The Government of Liberia 0

National Chronicles Newspaper and Philipbert S. Browne VS The Government of Liberia

Counselor Betty Lamin Blamo, Solicitor General, Ministry of Justice, Counselor Augustine C. Fayiah, Assistant Minister for Litigation, Ministry of Justice and Counselor J. Daku Mulbah, County Attorney for Montserrado County. appeared for the respondent.

Having carefully reviewed the records, heard the arguments and contentions advanced by the counsels representing the parties and considered the laws cited and relied upon, it is hereby

Mustapha Fadallah VS Priscilla Gibson-Flomo 0

Mustapha Fadallah VS Priscilla Gibson-Flomo

Having listened to the arguments and contentions advanced by the parties, reviewed the facts and circumstances presented in the records, and examined the laws controlling in the case; and being satisfied that egregious errors and gross irregularities were committed by the Judge of the Monthly and Probate Court for Montserrado in the handling and disposition of the proceedings in the case, firstly, in not only granting the motion to dismiss due to a want of iurisdiction by the Monthly and Probate Court; secondly, by proceeding without jurisdiction to go into the bill of information and to do so without a hearing to ascertain the

International Bank of Liberia VS SIRR Marketing INC 0

International Bank of Liberia VS SIRR Marketing INC

When the case was called for hearing, Counsellor Stephen B. Dunbar of the Dunbar and Dunbar law Offices appeared for the movant/appellee. Counsellor G. Alfred Soyeh of the law Offices of Sayeh and Sayeh appeared for the respondents/appellants.

Having listened to the arguments and contentions advanced by the parties, reviewed the facts and circumstances presented in the records, and examined the laws controlling in the case; and being satisfied that the respondents/appellants failed to meet the requirements of the law for the perfection of an appeal, without which the Supreme Court tacks the required jurisdiction to probe into the merits of the appeal, it is hereby