Category: Justice Yuo



The present motion to dismiss appeal emanates from a final ruling rendered on May 16, 2023, by Judge Necular Y. Edwards of the Monthly and Probate Court for Montserrado County, wherein he declared the Intestate Estate of Henry Ford Cooper closed and the properties apportioned among the beneficiaries.

The movant herein, Cllr. John Wleh Togba, the Attorney-in-Fact for Susan F. Cooper and Henry Eric Cooper, Co-Administrators Cum Testamento Annexo of the Intestate Estate of Henry Ford Cooper, alleged that the respondent herein, Monique C. Cooper, also one of the Co-Administrators Cum Testamento Annexo of the Intestate Estate of Henry Ford

Hon. Atty. Garrison Doldeh Yealue, Jr., Hon. Andrew Peters, Edwina Crump Zackpah, and Hon. Reginald Kpan Nagbe, vs.  The Executive Branch of Government of the Republic of Liberia (04/24/2024) 0

Hon. Atty. Garrison Doldeh Yealue, Jr., Hon. Andrew Peters, Edwina Crump Zackpah, and Hon. Reginald Kpan Nagbe, vs. The Executive Branch of Government of the Republic of Liberia (04/24/2024)

On February 22, 26, and 27, 2024, respectively, petitioners Atty./Hon. Garrison Doldeh Yealue Jr. of the Governance Commission, Hon. Andrew Peters of the National Identification Registry, Hon. Edwina Crump Zackpah et. al of the Liberia Telecommunications Authority and Hon. Reginald Nagbe, of the Liberia National Lottery Authority, filed separate petitions praying for the writ of prohibition to be issued against the Executive Branch of Government, the respondent herein.

We note that although the Executive Branch of Government is the principal respondent, however, in the case of the petition filed by Edwina Crump Zackpah, et. al of the Liberia Telecommunications Authority, they named

Madam Siah Tandapolie and Doris Dalieh of the City of Monrovia vs. National Elections Commission (02/07/2024) 0

Madam Siah Tandapolie and Doris Dalieh of the City of Monrovia vs. National Elections Commission (02/07/2024)

These appeals emanate from the final rulings of the Board of Commissioners (BOC) of the National Elections Commission (NEC) in two cases, wherein (a) the Board affirmed in the one case, Madam Siah Tandapolie and Doris Dalieh v. National Elections Commission, the Ruling of the Hearing Officers, and (b) the Board affirmed in the other case, National Elections Commission v. Amos Siebo Jr., the Ruling of the Hearing Officers, thus dismissing the complaints in both cases.
The records certified to this Court show that in the first of these consolidated cases, i.e. Madam Siah Tandapolie and Doris Dalieh v. National Elections Commission, the Appellants, Madams Siah Tandapolie and Doris Dalieh, Independent Aspirants at the time for the seat in the House of Representatives for District 11, Montserrado County, filed, on July 6, 2023, a complaint before the National Elections Commission challenging the legality and constitutionality of the NEC 2023 Regulations and Procedures Relating to Political Parties, Coalitions, Alliances, and

Seluminee Bloyougar et. al. vs. The Intestate Estate of Kollie (02/07/2024) 0

Seluminee Bloyougar et. al. vs. The Intestate Estate of Kollie (02/07/2024)

The instant appeal grows out of an action of ejectment filed before the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County, by the appellee, the Intestate Estate of Edwin Kollie by and thru its administrator, David K. Kollie, against Madam Seluminee Bloyougar et al., the appellants herein, in which the said appellee alleged that it is the owner of one (1) lot of land lying and situated in the Samuel Kanyon Doe Boulevard Community, Paynesville, Montserrado County; that the defendant without any color of title or right illegally and intentionally encroached on a portion of its premises against the will and consent of the administrator of the estate; that all efforts exerted by the appellee to have the appellants vacate the subject premises proved futile. Hence, the appellee prayed the trial court to have the appellants evicted from its property and to award damages in the amount of Fifty Thousand United States Dollars (US$50,000.00) for the appellants’ illegal occupation and wrongful

Morris Kiazolu et al. v. Republic of Liberia (02/07/2024) 0

Morris Kiazolu et al. v. Republic of Liberia (02/07/2024)

The records certified to this Court show that this appeal emanates from the First Judicial Circuit, Criminal Assizes “A” when the Grand Jury for Montserrado County presented an indictment charging the appellants, defendants in the court below, with the commission of the crimes of criminal conveyance of land and criminal conspiracy.
In commencing our review of the merits of this appeal, we take judicial notice of historical facts, recalling the alarming rate of disputes involving real property that not only flooded the dockets of courts of this Republic, but also incited the increase in other violent crimes in society as a result of land dispute. The Legislature taking cognizance that land-based disputes throughout Liberia, particularly in urban areas, had escalated to a crisis point thereby making it difficult for institutions and courts established to deal with civil issues to adequately resolve these disputes as civil matters; and further noting that the illegal conveyance of real property had the propensity to undermine the peace,

Intestate Estate of Barzoe Tiapon vs. Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr (02/07/2024) 0

Intestate Estate of Barzoe Tiapon vs. Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr (02/07/2024)

This appeal emanates from the ruling of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County, on a motion to modify an arbitration award, filed by the present appellee, the Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr and William C. Clarke by and thru its administratrix and administrators Tonia Carter Deableh, Arthur Utee Berrian and Varney D. Kerkula, against the present appellants, the Intestate Estate of Barzoe Tiapon, by and thru its administrators Nathan S. Karpo, Isaac K. Potter, and Joe Dixon, and the King Karnley Estate, in which final ruling, the trial Judge His Honor Scheaplor R. Dunbar ruled modifying the arbitration award as submitted by the board of arbitration and awarding all of the Six Hundred Twenty-Five (625) acres of land in contention to the appellee on the doctrine of superior title.
The facts as culled from the certified records show that on April 14, 2010, the Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr and William Clarke, appellee, by and thru its administratrix and

William G. J. Juah, Administrator of the Intestate Estate of  Charlotte Crawford of the City of Monrovia vs. JOJO/J. W. Lawrence, Attorney-in-Fact for Felix K. Lawrence, of the City of Monrovia 0

William G. J. Juah, Administrator of the Intestate Estate of Charlotte Crawford of the City of Monrovia vs. JOJO/J. W. Lawrence, Attorney-in-Fact for Felix K. Lawrence, of the City of Monrovia

This appeal emanates from a bill of information filed before the Monthly and Probate Court for Montserrado County, by Jojo/J.W. Lawrence, the Attorney-In-Fact of Felix K. Lawrence, the appellee herein.
The proceedings leading to the filing of the bill of information by the appellee shows that on January 6, 2017, the appellant herein, William G. J. Juah, obtained Letters of Administration from the Monthly & Probate Court for Montserrado County, to administer the Intestate Estate of his purported mother, Charlotte Crawford.

Subsequently on February 6, 2017, the appellant filed a Petition for Interference with the Intestate Estate of Charlotte Crawford against the appellee alleging inter alia therein, that he is one of two children of the late Charlotte Crawford and is the current administrator of the deceased Charlotte Crawford’s Intestate Estate; that he is the surviving next of kin of the decedent because she had two children out of her body, the appellant and his elder sister,

Mr. Wamah Jones Kuteh, Independent Representative Candidate District # 1, Bong County vs. The National Elections Commission (NEC) (12/19/2023) 0

Mr. Wamah Jones Kuteh, Independent Representative Candidate District # 1, Bong County vs. The National Elections Commission (NEC) (12/19/2023)

On October 10, 2023, the National Elections Commission (NEC), the 1st appellee herein, conducted Presidential and Legislative Elections at which Mr. Wamah Jones Kuteh, the appellant herein, contested in Electoral District No.1, Bong County as a representative. At the closing of the polls, the counting and tallying of votes casts in Electoral District No.1, Bong County, the 1st appellee announced Mr. Prince Koinah, the 2nd appellee herein, as the winner of the elections. In its public announcement on October 20, 2023, the 1st appellee stated that the 2nd appellee obtained 6,846 valid votes while the appellant on the other hand obtained 6,774 valid votes.
The certified records culminating into this appeal and transmitted to this Court reveal that the appellant filed three (3) complaints, the first and second on October 15 & 16 and the third on the 18th of October. The third complaint was withdrawn and an amended complaint filed on October 25, 2023.

Amos Klah of the City of Monrovia vs. The Intestate of Tahiru Keingo by and thru is Administratrix Betty Keingo of the City of Monrovia (12/19/2023) 0

Amos Klah of the City of Monrovia vs. The Intestate of Tahiru Keingo by and thru is Administratrix Betty Keingo of the City of Monrovia (12/19/2023)

The Intestate Estate of Tahiru Keingo, the appellee herein, instituted an action of ejectment before the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County, against Amos Klah, the appellant herein. After pleadings rested, a jury trial was had, following which the jury returned a unanimous verdict in favor of the appellee. Thereafter, the appellant filed a motion for new trial, which was objected to by the appellee, heard by the trial court, and subsequently denied. The trial court entered final ruling in favor of the appellee, which final ruling the appellant noted exceptions and announced an appeal to the Supreme Court, thus culminating into the present appeal.

The certified records show that the genesis of this case dates back to May 27, 2009, when the appellee instituted a five count action of ejectment against the appellant, alleging therein that in 1985, Tahiru Keingo, during his lifetime, acquired one and one-half (1.5) lots of land situated in the Township of Gardnerville from Francis S. Fahnbulleh; that sometime in 1990, due to the civil crisis in Liberia, he, Tahiru Keingo, along with his family, fled to the Republic of Sierra Leone for refuge, but left their elder son, Thomas Keingo in charge of his property as a caretaker; that in 1999, an agent of the appellant,

Siah Jarmie Tandapolie, New Liberia Party et al. v. National Election Commission (08/31/2023) 0

Siah Jarmie Tandapolie, New Liberia Party et al. v. National Election Commission (08/31/2023)

This appeal emanates from the final ruling of the Board of Commissioners (BOC) of the National Elections Commission (NEC), wherein the BOC affirmed the ruling of the Hearing Officers of the NEC and dismissed the appellants’ appeal.

The certified records show that on June 19, 2023, co-appellants Siah J. Tandapolie, of the New Liberia Party, Emmanuel K.B. Togba, of the All Liberian Party, and James Marwieh, referring to himself as an eminent citizen of District # 11, filed separate complaints before the NEC, objecting to the nomination and certification of Dr. Thomas Nimene Tweh, the appellee herein, as a provisional candidate vying for the Representative Seat in District # 11, Montserrado County. In summary, the appellants contend in their separate complaints, that the appellee held dual citizenship, Liberian and American which disqualifies him from contesting the representative seat; that in substantiation of the said allegation, the appellants proffered copies of the biometric page of an American Passport and a driver’s license of the State of California purportedly belonging to the appellee; that the appellants further alleged that the appellee is not domiciled in District # 11 as he claimed, but rather domiciled in Louisiana, which is situated in District # 1, Montserrado County.