Category: Recent Decisions

FIRESTONE vs. Henry Kolleh (03/03/2021) 0

FIRESTONE vs. Henry Kolleh (03/03/2021)

On September 11, 2013, Henry M. S. Kolleh, the appellee herein, lodged a complaint before the Ministry of Labour against the Management of Firestone Liberia, Inc., the appellant herein, alleging that the appellant wrongfully dismissed him. The letter of complaint filed by the appellee’s counsel, Gongloe & Associates, Inc., laid out the factual allegations as follows:

Ophelia Hoff Saytomah vs. Karnga (02/8/2021) 0

Ophelia Hoff Saytomah vs. Karnga (02/8/2021)

The certified records in this case reveal that on March 10, 2008, Joseph and Martha Kangar filed an action of summary proceedings to recover possession of real property in the Monrovia City Magisterial Court against Varcom Used Cars, praying the magistrate court to oust, eject and evict Varcom Used Cars from certain property situated and located in the Fish Market Community, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia.

I E of Konjay Comman vs. I E of Fahn Kai Komoh (02/08/2021) 0

I E of Konjay Comman vs. I E of Fahn Kai Komoh (02/08/2021)

The genesis of this case on appeal is the filing of an action of ejectment by the Intestate Estate of the Fahn Kai Korroh, appellee, before the Civil Law, Sixth Judicial Circuit for Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, against the Intestate Estate of Konjah Comman, appellant, during the June Term, A.D. 2013. The complaint filed by the appellee alleged as follows: