Jane Hodge Davis v. Maria Yangbe (02/18/2025) 0

Jane Hodge Davis v. Maria Yangbe (02/18/2025)

This appeal grew out of an action of ejectment instituted by the appellee herein, Maria D. Johnson Yangbe, through her husband, M. Kron Yangbe, filed on January 30, 2014, before the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court for Montserrado County against the appellant, Gertrude Hodge. The appellee’s five-count ejectment action alleged substantially that the appellant had encroached upon her one acre of land lying and situated on Duport Road, Paynesville City, Montserrado County, Liberia, which the appellee had purchased from the Republic of Liberia in 1964 before traveling to the United States of America. Appellee further averred that upon her

Benetta Pearson-Cooper et al v Milton D Taylor (02/17/2025) 0

Benetta Pearson-Cooper et al v Milton D Taylor (02/17/2025)

When this case was called for a hearing, the counsel representing the plaintiffs-in-error, Benetta Pearson-Cooper et al., was absent. Upon Inquiry, the Clerk of the Court informed the Court that Counsellor Laveli Supuwood verbally informed the Clerk that he had a stomach complain and would return for the hearing after attending to his stomach issue. The Court invoked Rule IV Part 6 of the Revised Rule of the Supreme Court, which states in part that “…If, when the case is again called for hearing, the party or counsel again fails to appear or file a brief, the Court shall proceed

Siaka A. Turay v. Ma Konneh Kamara, et, al.(12/19/2024) 0

Siaka A. Turay v. Ma Konneh Kamara, et, al.(12/19/2024)

On July 17, 2024, the movant, Siaka Turay, filed this motion to dismiss the respondents, Ma Konneh Kamara et al., appeal, averring therein that the movant instituted an action of ejectment against the respondents and all occupants under her control on the 27th Day of January 2023 at the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court; movant further averred that after pleadings rested, and considering that the parties derived their titles from the same grantors and that the movant’s title is older than that of the respondents, the movant filed a motion for summary judgment, which was heard and granted by

Keturah Tengbeh et. al. vs. The Intestate Estate of Samuel B. Cole (12/19/2024) 0

Keturah Tengbeh et. al. vs. The Intestate Estate of Samuel B. Cole (12/19/2024)

On June 28, 2010, the appellee, the Intestate Estate of Samuel B. Cole, Sr., by and thru its administrator Thomas E. Cole filed a six-count action of ejectment before the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County during its June Term A.D. 2010 against Madam Keturah Tengbeh et. al, the appellants herein.
The complaint basically alleged that in 1957, the late Samuel B. Cole, Sr. purchased thirty (30) acres of land from Gaimah Bryant and Wilhemina A. Bryant in the settlement of Brewerville around the Lott Carey Mission School, Montserrado County and was issued a deed which he (

Faud Nyei and Siafa Fahnbulleh v. Intestate Estate of Varfee Siryon, Sr., et al. (08/28/2024) 0

Faud Nyei and Siafa Fahnbulleh v. Intestate Estate of Varfee Siryon, Sr., et al. (08/28/2024)

The instant appeal emanates from an ejectment action filed on July 30, 2020, before the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County by the appellee, the Intestate Estate of Varfee Siryon, Sr. and Lutecia T. Siryon by and thru its administrators Varfee A. Siryon against the appellants Faud Nyei and Siaffa Fahnbulleh.

The allegations contained in the complaint essentially state that the Intestate Estate of Varfee Siryon, Sr. is the owner of two (2) acres of land lying and situated in Logan Town, Bushrod Island, Montserrado County, purchased in 1961 from Kay Jorh; that the appellants without any color



This case is before us on appeal from a ruling rendered by the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County, against the appellants Jessie Harris and Melvin Harris et al. The appellants have challenged the lower court’s ruling, averring that the verdict of the jury was contrary to the weight of the evidence adduced at trial and that the judge erred in his instructions to the jury. The appellants have now petitioned this Court to reverse the said ruling and enter the ruling that ought to have been rendered by the court below

Intestate Estate of Barzoe Tiapon vs. Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr (02/07/2024) 0

Intestate Estate of Barzoe Tiapon vs. Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr (02/07/2024)

This appeal emanates from the ruling of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County, on a motion to modify an arbitration award, filed by the present appellee, the Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr and William C. Clarke by and thru its administratrix and administrators Tonia Carter Deableh, Arthur Utee Berrian and Varney D. Kerkula, against the present appellants, the Intestate Estate of Barzoe Tiapon, by and thru its administrators Nathan S. Karpo, Isaac K. Potter, and Joe Dixon, and the King Karnley Estate, in which final ruling, the trial Judge His Honor Scheaplor R. Dunbar ruled modifying the arbitration award as submitted by the board of arbitration and awarding all of the Six Hundred Twenty-Five (625) acres of land in contention to the appellee on the doctrine of superior title.
The facts as culled from the certified records show that on April 14, 2010, the Intestate Estate of Marboe Tarr and William Clarke, appellee, by and thru its administratrix and

Amos Klah of the City of Monrovia vs. The Intestate of Tahiru Keingo by and thru is Administratrix Betty Keingo of the City of Monrovia (12/19/2023) 0

Amos Klah of the City of Monrovia vs. The Intestate of Tahiru Keingo by and thru is Administratrix Betty Keingo of the City of Monrovia (12/19/2023)

The Intestate Estate of Tahiru Keingo, the appellee herein, instituted an action of ejectment before the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County, against Amos Klah, the appellant herein. After pleadings rested, a jury trial was had, following which the jury returned a unanimous verdict in favor of the appellee. Thereafter, the appellant filed a motion for new trial, which was objected to by the appellee, heard by the trial court, and subsequently denied. The trial court entered final ruling in favor of the appellee, which final ruling the appellant noted exceptions and announced an appeal to the Supreme Court, thus culminating into the present appeal.

The certified records show that the genesis of this case dates back to May 27, 2009, when the appellee instituted a five count action of ejectment against the appellant, alleging therein that in 1985, Tahiru Keingo, during his lifetime, acquired one and one-half (1.5) lots of land situated in the Township of Gardnerville from Francis S. Fahnbulleh; that sometime in 1990, due to the civil crisis in Liberia, he, Tahiru Keingo, along with his family, fled to the Republic of Sierra Leone for refuge, but left their elder son, Thomas Keingo in charge of his property as a caretaker; that in 1999, an agent of the appellant,

Moivamba Fofana et al vs Alhaji Kalamo Fofana (12/19/2023) 0

Moivamba Fofana et al vs Alhaji Kalamo Fofana (12/19/2023)

On the 10th day of January, A.D. 2014, the appellee, Alhaji Kalamo Fofana, instituted an action of ejectment by and thru his attorney-in-fact, Mohammed Fofana, against the defendants, Moivamba Fofana, James Fofana, Emmanuel B. Nyenswa, the Management of Tohnlo Women & Youth Training Empowerment Program and Siemon Weah substantially alleging that the appellee is owner of one acre of land lying and situated at the City of Paynesward, now Paynesville, Montserrado County which he acquired through an honorable purchased on the 28th day of April, A.D. 1979 from Leona Lloyd; that in 1994, he entrusted his title deed to Moivamba Fofana, 1st appellant herein, who the appellee knew and aided while he (the 1st appellant) was in school and at the time of entrusting him with the deed, he was a custom officer of the Ministry of Finance assigned at the Freeport of Monrovia; that he (the appellee) later found out that the 1st appellant was constructing on the land and had sold portion to other defendants; that the appellee

Lamine Bonokai et al vs Bishop Fungbeh Kiamu (08/11/2023) 0

Lamine Bonokai et al vs Bishop Fungbeh Kiamu (08/11/2023)

This appeal grows out of a final ruling of the Sixth Judicial Circuit for Montserrado County in an action of ejectment filed by Bishop Fungbeh Kiamu, appellee, against several defendants, namely: Lamei Bonokai, William Mator, Jackson Quashed, Ma Sonny, Taku Jil, Sensee Elijah, Anthony Daniel and Papa Korkor, now appellants. The records show that after pleadings rested, the law issues disposed of and a regular jury trial had, the jury returned a unanimous verdict of liable against the appellants which verdict was confirmed by the trial court in its final ruling rendered on May 31, 2018. The appellants noted exceptions on the record, announced appeal and perfected same for an appellate review. It is worth noting that on appeal, this case was first called for hearing on November 17, 2020, the appellants requested continuance on ground that the counsel retained to represent them before this Court had conflict of interest. Similar request was made and granted on May 4, 2021 thereby abating the hearing of this appeal in two successive terms of court. When this matter was again assigned for hearing on May 18, 2023, the appellants have again assigned the same reason for failing to file a brief and to appear for argument of the case. This Court viewed the act of the appellants as a dilatory