Judge Amymusu K. Jones
Liberia has lost the woman who became her first female Magistrate in 1994.
Retired Judge Amymusu K. Jones died Monday, September 3, 2018, at the Duside Hospital in Firestone District, Margibi County following a period of illness.
Retired Judge Amymusu Jones died exactly a month after the Judiciary honorably retired her on the 3rd of August 2018 in Grand Cape Mount County.
Retired Judge Jones, in her retirement statement, said “There is a stage in every person’s life that he/she has to play a part and prepare to bow down when the stage is about to be closed. The performance in my judicial stage has come to an end and I must bow away for the curtain to close.”
Nobody could foretell she would have bowed away just 30 days after her retirement, as she stated in her departure speech.
Judge Jones served the Liberian Judiciary for 24 unbroken years prior to her retirement at the age of 70, as provided for by the Liberian Constitution.
She also served as Judge of the Debt, Probate and other circuit courts before residing over the 5th Judicial Circuit Court of Grand Cape Mount County for 12 years.
Retired Judge Amymusu K. Jones replaced the late Resident Circuit Judge, Varney D. Cooper in April of 2006.
Several government officials and the full bench of the Supreme Court attended her retirement ceremony.
They praised her for being fair-minded and dedicated to duty.