Monthly Archive: August 2024



The appellants, Gloria Musu Scott et al. were indicted, tried, and subsequently found guilty by a jury, and the verdict therefrom confirmed by the presiding judge of the First Judicial Circuit, Criminal Assizes “A,” for the crimes of murder, criminal conspiracy, and false reports to law enforcement officials.

The certified records show that on the night of February 22, 2023, in the residence of Co-appellant Gloria Musu Scott, it was alleged that Charloe Musu was brutally attacked by an unknown assailant(s) who, with a depraved heart and an extreme indifference to human life, maliciously, viciously, and without the fear of

Intestate Estate of Abraham Jalloh v. CHICO (08/28/2024) 0

Intestate Estate of Abraham Jalloh v. CHICO (08/28/2024)

This appeal presents a question of whether the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, has subject matter jurisdiction over an action of wrongful death, where the said death resulted from occupational injury; and, the applicable laws viz.: the “Decent Work Act” vis-a-vis the “Private Wrongs Law”.

The records show that on August 17, 2022, the appellee herein, CHICO Company, filed a petition for the writ of prohibition before Madam Justice Jamesetta H. Wolokolie, the Associate Justice presiding in the Chambers of the Supreme Court for the March Term, A. D. 2022. Following a conference with the parties, the Justice ordered

Faud Nyei and Siafa Fahnbulleh v. Intestate Estate of Varfee Siryon, Sr., et al. (08/28/2024) 0

Faud Nyei and Siafa Fahnbulleh v. Intestate Estate of Varfee Siryon, Sr., et al. (08/28/2024)

The instant appeal emanates from an ejectment action filed on July 30, 2020, before the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County by the appellee, the Intestate Estate of Varfee Siryon, Sr. and Lutecia T. Siryon by and thru its administrators Varfee A. Siryon against the appellants Faud Nyei and Siaffa Fahnbulleh.

The allegations contained in the complaint essentially state that the Intestate Estate of Varfee Siryon, Sr. is the owner of two (2) acres of land lying and situated in Logan Town, Bushrod Island, Montserrado County, purchased in 1961 from Kay Jorh; that the appellants without any color

Accessbank v. Wael Gharzeddine (08/28/2024) 0

Accessbank v. Wael Gharzeddine (08/28/2024)

The Supreme Court is called upon by the appellant, Accessbank (Liberia) Limited, to reverse the final ruling of the Commercial Court presided over by Associate Judge, His Honor Othello S. Payman, I, entered upon the records on February 28, 2023, and in which he adjudged the appellant liable to pay the appellee, Wael Gharzeddine the following amounts: (a) Three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty United States Dollars and Twenty Four Cents (US$3,330.24) as special damages; (b) Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$500,000.00 as general damages; (c) One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$100,000.00) as punitive damages, and; (d) 6% statutory

The Intestate Estate of Benjamin Franklin v. CICO et al (08/27/2024) 0

The Intestate Estate of Benjamin Franklin v. CICO et al (08/27/2024)

The genesis of this appeal is an action of ejectment instituted by the appellant herein, the Intestate Estate of Benjamin Franklin, against the co-appellee, CICO Company and the Residents and Occupants of Garyea Clan, Suakoko District, Bong County, the 2nd defendants in the trial court.
The appellant’s seven (7) count complaint alleged inter alia that it is the bona fide owner of a parcel of land containing100 acres, situated in the territorial boundary of Garyea Clan, Suakoko District, Bong County, which was acquired through lawful purchase from the Republic of Liberia on the 16th day of October, 1948 by the

MDMC v. OTIS KYNE ET. AL (08/27/2024) 0

MDMC v. OTIS KYNE ET. AL (08/27/2024)

The instant action of ejectment is before us on appeal from a ruling rendered by the assigned trial judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court, Montserrado County, His Honor Ousman F. Feika, during its December Term of Court A.D. 2022, where the contesting parties for a parcel of land traced their respective title instruments to the same grantor, the Intestate Estate of John Mack Bettie.
The pertinent facts as culled from the records show that on May 9, 2019, the appellant Modern Development and Management Corporation (MDMC), plaintiff in the court below, filed a twelve-count action of ejectment

OXFAM Liberia v. Frederick David (08/27/2024) 0

OXFAM Liberia v. Frederick David (08/27/2024)

The appellee, Frederick G. David, was dismissed by his employer, OXFAM Liberia, the appellant herein, for what it termed “gross misconduct”. Predicated on his dismissal, the appellee filed a formal complaint with the Ministry of Labor against the appellant for unfair labor practice. The hearing officer at the Ministry of Labor conducted a formal investigation on the basis of the complaint, and thereafter ruled against the appellant, holding the latter liable for unfair labor practice, and ordered the reinstatement of the appellee with all his remunerations restored, or in lieu thereof, pay him an aggregate of his monthly salary for